A Tribute To The Brilliant And Passionate Women in B2B

When you look at the leadership ranks of business-to-business companies, you don't see many women. While there have been growing cries for more women at the leadership and board levels in all companies (particularly public companies), the reality is that men still dominate the boardrooms and C-suites of Canadian companies, especially B2B companies. But that could be changing.
Slowly and surely, there's a growing number of women working in B2B companies, and getting to the top. More of Mezzanine's clients today are women in Director and C-Suite roles than a decade ago.
Perhaps it's because there are relatively few women in B2B that those who are in B2B are often not just good, not even great - but INCREDIBLE.
On International Women's Day, we'd like to take a moment to pay tribute to the amazing, talented and inspiring women working in B2B.
Kudos To These Amazing Women in B2B
Mezzanine has had the good fortune to work with some incredible women - as clients, staff, advisers and partners - in its 15 year history. Here's some of the very best and brightest we've had the pleasure of working with. Thank you to each and every one of them for sharing their brilliance and passion with us along the way.
B2B Is A Great Place For Women To Shine
For women who are just starting out in their careers or are thinking of making a move, consider joining a B2B company. There are incredible opportunities in B2B, and there's no better place to shine than a place where you're different - and your differences can MAKE A DIFFERENCE.